Foods that Reverse Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Heart Disease & Memory Loss

Soon to be seen on HOPE Channel and Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, this is the first of four, made for network television, 30 minute episodes demonstrating the power of nutrition to reverse diabetes and prediabetes. Dr. Wes Youngberg is joined by Brenda Davis who is in his opinion, the most trusted expert and balanced authority in the field of dietetics and nutritional medicine. In these videos they share their expertise on the foods which most effectively optimize the bodies healing potential. The Diabetes Undone program is not just for reversing diabetes but primarily for naturally reversing the insulin resistance which is the primary underlying cause of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, weight gain, and the growth of cancers.

Diabetes Undone – A Wellness Program for Everyone

This presentation demonstrates the value of participating in the Diabetes Undone Program. You don’t have to have diabetes or pre diabetes to benefit. This program is effective for anyone seeking to improve their health. If a program is effective in helping reverse the inflammation, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, circulation and immune problems associated with diabetes, just think what it can do for everyone else. The bottom line is that reversing the underlying causes of diabetes also reverses the main underlying causes of all chronic diseases.

Click on the title slide below to see all 71 PDF slides of Dr. Youngberg’s presentation on January 7th, 2017. All 71 slides are included with all the references and “to do lists” so we can optimize our health in 2017.


Click below to download the complete set of presentation slides with six slides per page. Great for taking notes while you watch the video.screen-shot-2017-01-08-at-8-37-49-pm


Join us on Monday’s and Thursday’s in January, April, July and October for this life and health altering program.


If you live far from us go to and join a group based Diabetes Undone program near you.

You can purchase your personal Diabetes Undone Kit that includes on-line access to all 40 of Dr. Youngberg’s Diabetes Undone videos, a 100 page Diabetes Undone workbook that guides you through the program and coaches you on how to set goals, and the Plant to Plate Cookbook with over 70 pages of “how to make this work” support guidelines.

Jackie’s father had lived with, and died from, terrible complications of diabetes. So when she recently discovered that she had PreDiabetes she became very concerned about her future. Watch Jackie Rosetti’s two minute story about participating in the Diabetes Undone program last October and how it transformed her health.

Jackie’s Story