
Good-bye Diabetes. Good-bye Insomnia

Case Studies from the Youngberg Lifestyle Medicine Clinic – January 30, 2013

At 59 years old, Stan had diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Vitamin D deficiency, a high Cardiac CRP, and elevated serum homocysteine. The Glucose and Insulin Tolerance Test had clearly determined that a primary cause of his diabetes was insulin resistance. Even though Stan’s cholesterol was not very high, the new NMR LipoProfile had indicated he had an excessive LDL cholesterol particle number suggesting a greater risk for heart disease. Read more…

Natural Remedy for Chronic Insomnia & Adrenal Fatigue

Can’t sleep? That was Tammy’s long-term problem. For years she had struggled, unable to turn off the many thoughts racing through her mind at night. Even with daily exercise and feeling physically tired, she simply could not fall asleep without hours of restless anxiety and then could only sleep 3 to 4 hours before waking to more of the same. Tired of multiple prescription sleeping pills and their side effects, Tammy was desperate for something that worked without making other problems worse. Read more…

Esophageal Cancer Link Publicized after Dolly Parton’s Reported Surgery

COMMENTS by Dr. Youngberg: The article below underscores the health risk associated with acid reflux. Unfortunately, conventional treatment, while partially helpful in healing ulcers, often makes the the underlying problem worse thus perpetuating the need for more PPI or acid reducing medications and creating a vicious cycle. The most common reason for poor digestion or acid reflux is not too much stomach acid production but rather excess gassy acids. Dysfunctional Parietal Cells in the stomach lining (due to food allergies, toxins, H.Pylori or other low grade infection, autoimmune stress, etc…) are unable to make adequate hydrochloric acid at meal time and therefore cannot activate the digestive enzymes. Undigested foods will then begin to decompose creating the acidic gas that causes bloating, pain, anxiety, and heartburn – to name a few symptoms. Read more…

Diet & Lifestyle Changes Have a Profound Effect at the Genetic Level

While all disease has a clear genetic foundation, this article best expresses how we have far more control over our genes than previously thought. The Human Genome project finished earlier this decade has enabled a transformed understanding of how our genes synergize with every thing we do, think and expose ourselves to. Read more…

Prostate Cancer Options: Watchful Waiting or GEMINAL Therapy?

(NaturalNews) Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, is a well-known author advocating lifestyle changes to improve health. Dr. Ornish is also affiliated with the University of California at San Francisco. He recently reported on the Gene Expression Modulation by Intervention with Nutrition and Lifestyle (GEMINAL) study. This study indicated that making positive changes in one’s diet, exercise, and stress management can affect more than a person’s weight. Read more…

Many Diseases Linked to High Insulin – The Longer Story

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Insulin Testing and Dietary Supplements to Help You Reduce Insulin, Lose Weight & Feel Better

The article below by Suzy Cohen shows why testing your insulin, both fasting and 2 hours into a Glucose Tolerance Test, is one of the most powerful ways to evaluate your risk for developing many health problems. As her title suggests, many diseases can be triggered and greatly promoted by excessive production of insulin by the pancreas. My new book, Goodbye Diabetes – preventing and reversing diabetes the natural way, released February 1, 2013 can be ordered by calling our office. Goodbye Diabetes outlines multiple effective strategies on how to naturally bring unhealthy insulin levels back into optimal ranges. – Wes Youngberg Read more…

Rheumatoid Arthritis Yields to the Power of Nutritional Medicine

Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) Anyone who doubts the efficacy of nutritional medicine hasn’t taken the time to learn about it. Skeptics certainly have never spoken to someone like Gloria, a retail clerk in Temecula, CA, who appears to have made a full recovery from medically diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis because of properly applied nutritional medicine. Read more…

Tune up Your Body for a Healthier 2013

Dr. Wes Youngberg

Everyone wants to be healthy but few of us recognize the underlying causes of our suboptimal health. A proper tune up requires that we first do the right blood tests. But when is the last time we took the time to get a comprehensive wellness evaluation? Read more…

What is Pre-diabetes, and How does it Affect my Health?

Dr. Wes Youngberg

Bill was a fit man for his age and appearing to be in good health. He said, “I am just retiring, so I want to make sure I am properly evaluating my health.” He came to see me to get blood-based laboratory testing. As I evaluated his medical records, I noticed a couple of times when his fasting blood sugars had been running a little high. They were not in the prediabetic range but were above the optimal range of 70–85; they were running just above 90. Read more…