A unique clinical grade formula designed specifically for those desiring more comprehensive immune support

The Young Immune comprehensive formula includes what Dr. Youngberg considers the top twelve vitamins, minerals, herbs, and plant based phytonutrients available for optimal immune support. Each of the twelve ingredients is at the full recommended dose and includes amounts typically requiring taking 14 capsules daily. Because this product is compounded specifically for this purpose, it does not have any of the typical additives, binders or excipients thus greatly reducing the overall volume of the product and cutting down the number of capsules from fourteen to only four daily if the full dose is used. Individuals may choose to take as little as one capsule daily. For those wishing to get more comprehensive immune support they may take as much as four capsules daily. These may be taken all at breakfast or may be taken in divided doses with breakfast and lunch (or dinner). Most prefer taking these nutrients with meals. NOTE: the Green Tea Leaf Extract is caffeine free and the melatonin as formulated can be taken at any time of the day.

To our knowledge, no other formulas include this number of ingredients, each at full dose and have this full combination of ingredients. Each ingredient has its own story and research backing.

Click here to purchase Young Immune in our on-line store.

For more information on various immune supportive nutrients see Dr. Youngberg’s immune protocol found here.

Preventing Alzheimer’s & Reversing Memory Loss

Poster for Alzheime’rs presentation at Loma Linda University Church, July 9-11, 2019


If you want to better understand the new HOPE that is available to those at risk of dementia or in those experiencing Alzheimer’s symptoms, watch the first 15 minutes of this video with Dr. Youngberg.

Dr. Youngberg spent 3 days with Dr. Dale Bredesen at the Buck Institue for Aging in San Francisco and is certified in the “Bredesen Protocol” for the prevention and potential reversal of memory concerns including reversing MCI and early Alzheimer’s Disease. In this video Maria Shriver interviews Dr. Bredesen regarding his research that shows patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Early Alzheimer’s being able to reverse their cognitive decline in  88% of cases and typically within 6 months. After this interview MPI Cognition received over 400 calls in one day requesting information on clinics located near their city that are certified in providing this type of intensive lifestyle medicine approach. Dr. Youngberg is now the first clinician in the San Diego and Inland Empire area of Southern California that is certified in the Bredesen Protocol and working directly with Dr. Dale Bredesen to provide a comprehensive, network based approach to improving memory and overall cognition. The Youngberg Clinic also works with patients or family members by phone, Skype or FaceTime.

Click here to see the Facebook video of Maria Shriver with Dr.Bredesen. https://www.facebook.com/Youngberg-Lifestyle-Nutritional-Medicine-Clinic-146934595396549/

Click below to see videos regarding prevention and natural management of Alzheimer’s disease on Dr. Youngberg’s YouTube channel.

12 Weeks to Wellness Series Highlights & Recommendations

The following are the summary highlights from Dr. Youngberg’s DVD series “12 Weeks to Wellness”. Each of the 12 chapters of his new book “Hello Healthy” further expand on each of the DVD video presentations.

DVD #1  Optimizing Your Genetic Potential

Digital illustration DNA structure in colour background

Are There Holes In Your Genes? Reaching Your Full Genetic Potential

Highlights from Hello Healthy Chapter 1

  • The environment in which you live, the choices you make, and the habits you form all greatly affect how your genes function.
  • The function of your genes and their expression can be changed. You can actually turn off many of your bad genes and turn on your good genes.
  • Family history is not the most important factor in determining your risk of disease. In fact, it is one of the least important.
  • Transformational change can take place in your health by implementing appropriate lifestyle and nutritional strategies.
  • Your exposome is all the things in your environment that influence genetic expression. It’s the choices you make, your lifestyle, what you eat, drink, think, and do.
  • It is never too late to begin making changes that will transform your health.
  • At least 80 percent of your diet should come from whole plant-based foods.
  • Your choices matter. Everything depends on the right action of the will.

Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 4.13.32 PMSaliva Gene Testing

One of the most powerful tools to evaluate and lower your health risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, strokes, heart attacks, autoimmune disease, and cancer is to find out which genetic mutations you have. Many people still think that there is nothing they can do about gene mutations. The good news is that gene mutations DO NOT determine our risk of disease unless we let them! That is right, by knowing what gene mutations we have we can get a head start and take advantage of strategies to neutralize the otherwise damaging effect of our gene mutations. To properly evaluate your genetic risk factors, I strongly recommend going online and ordering a saliva gene profile from www.23andme.com. As this is a saliva test it can be ordered directly by any individual and without a doctors official request or signature.

Click here to find out more information on how to do this!

You can also watch my YouTube video presentation on Gene Management and Nutrigenomics by clinking on this link or copying and pasting the URL link into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE8ll0K1g9g


DVD #2  Exercise & Diet: How can we optimize our metabolism

fitness equipment and healthy nutrition on white wooden plank flCalories In, Calories Out

Highlights from Hello Healthy Chapter 2

  • Exercise done properly can powerfully change how you feel, improve your mood, and significantly decrease your cravings for snacks and excess calories.
  • There is an obvious and increasing international problem with obesity associated with poor diet and lack of exercise.
  • When considering calories eaten versus calories burned off-diet is much more effective in addressing weight loss than is exercise.
  • Good habits can push out bad habits.
  • Regular exercise can reduce your risk of having a heart attack by 50 percent.
  • Wellness depends on developing a plan and following it consistently day in and day out.
  • Sometimes you have to say no to things you really want to do in order to say yes to things you know are much more important.

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Natural Calm– Helps with crams.
Vitalzyme– A systemic enzyme, helps heal soft tissue injuries and inflammatory conditions.
Lipoic Acid– Exercise booster
Coenzyme Q-10-Exercise booster.

DVD #3  Optimizing Circulation and Heart Health

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 3.49.06 PMMatters of the Heart: Optimizing Circulation and Heart Health

Highlights from Hello Healthy Chapter 3

  • You can’t have good health without good circulation.
  • Exercise causes the muscles to act like mini-pumps, helping the heart move blood around the body.
  • A traditional lipid profile addresses only about 40 percent of the risk factors for a heart attack or stroke.
  • Wellness means more than simply being fit.
  • Advanced cardiac lab test such as the Hunter Heart Profile helps identify the 60 percent of risk factors for heart attack and stroke not addressed by the traditional lipid profile.
  • There is a definite link between systemic inflammation and cardiac disease.
  • Heart disease can be reversed.
  • A comprehensive wellness program including a plant-based diet, daily exercise, and appropriate supplements can result in dramatically reducing inflammation and risk factors for cardiac disease.
  • Processed meats, refined grains, refined sweets, and diet sodas are the main dietary culprits in causing increased systemic inflammation.

Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 4.13.32 PMSupplements for Heart Health

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Sunlight, Vitamin D, and Health   DVD#4

Happiness woman stay outdoor under sunlight of sunset.Here Comes the Sun!

Highlights from Hello Healthy Chapter 4

  • Pure, simple sunlight is like a miracle “drug” that can tremendously increase your health and wellness.
  • Insufficient Vitamin D is a widespread, ongoing health problem across all demographic groups.
  • Lack of sunlight exposure can be the reason you are sad, irritable, sleep poorly, suffer fatigue, and crave carbohydrates.
  • Thirty to sixty minutes of daily exposure to sunlight promotes physical and psychological wellness. During maximum sun intensity between 10am and 4pm, limit your sun exposure to be between 15 and 20 minutes.
  • The “Sun Shadow Standard” is a guide for the time of the day that sunlight is intense enough to generate Vitamin D in the skin.
  • Optimal levels of vitamin D in the blood have more power to prevent canter than cigarette smoking has the power to cause cancer.
  • More than 30% of all cancers could be eliminated by optimizing our levels of Vitamin D.
  • The average child, teenager, and adult is Vitamin D deficient, and more than 80% of individuals have inadequate levels of Vitamin D to optimize health.
  • The good news is that no one needs to stay Vitamin D deficient. We can all optimize our level of Vitamin D.

Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 4.13.32 PMVitamin D Supplements

Increasing blood levels of Vitamin D may significantly lower risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and overall immune health.

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DVD #5  Optimizing Digestion for Health and Healing

human digestive systemIt’s a Gut Feeling

Highlights form Hello Healthy Chapter 5

  • The food we consume provides the building blocks for every physical and mental function of our bodies. That’s why optimizing digestion is such a critical wellness strategy.
  • More than 80 percent of human illness can be healed naturally by the body, but only if the proper healing strategies are followed.
  • Poor digestion can affect our emotions.
  • Most people should eat two or three meals a day with four or five hours between meals.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • Drinking at least six glasses of water daily is a major step towards being healthy. But drinking with meals is not the best way to stay hydrated.
  • Long term use of acid-blocking medications can increase the risk of bone fractures more than 400 percent.
  • Minerals, especially magnesium, deficiency is very common and powerfully promotes our risk for developing many health problems, including depression, anxiety, diabetes, headaches, heart disease, muscle cramps, and constipation.
  • Good health is important but not merely as an end in itself. It is important because it allows us to live a life filled with loving, growing, relationships with God, family and friends.
  • Refined and processed foods account for more than half of the calories consumed by Americans; dairy and animal foods make up more than 40 percent; and only 7 percent comes form whole, plant based foods- fruits, vegetables and legumes.
  • Ideally, at least 80 percent of your diet should be whole, plant-based foods. Refined starches should not make up more than 10 percent of your diet, and animal products less than 8 percent.
  • Eating lots of vegetables, either raw or cooked, can reduce cancer by 50 percent.

Screen Shot 2015-12-31 at 10.36.48 AM Supplements for Digestion

Digestzyme V

Charcoal Powder

Hydrochloric Acid

Gentian and Skullcap



DVD #6  Stress, Emotions, Food, Adrenals, Caffeine, and Blood Sugars

depressedStressed Out: Stress, Emotions & Adrenal Fatigue

Highlights from Hello Healthy Chapter 6

  • There is a close connection between the body and the mind. What affects one also affects the other.
  • Passive stress is bad for your health; active stress can be good for you. When you have a health problem, just waiting to see what happens causes passive stress. Active stress is taking steps to understand the problem and do whatever you can to improve it.
  • Stress management techniques can actually “turn on” disease preventing genes and “turn off” genes that promote disease.
  • Stressful situation have the potential to dramatically increase blood sugars but can also cause unhealthful, low blood sugars.
  • A four-hour  Glucose Tolerance Test is a great way to evaluate your tendency to both high and low blood sugars and whether your adrenal glands are stressed or fatigued.
  • Restoring the inner self through mental, spiritual and physical rejuvenation enhances vitality and health.
  • Stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine are effective short-term solutions for stress and adrenal fatigue, but with regular use over months and years, they are a disaster to your physical and emotional health.
  • A regular, balanced schedule for eating, sleeping and other activities reduces stress and promotes overall health.

Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 4.13.32 PMAdrenal fatigue can occur from prolonged stress. A great way to test for it is through a 4 hour glucose tolerance test. The test measures blood sugars at fasting, one, two, three and four hours after a sugar drink that contains 75 grams of glucose is consumed. Individuals with adrenal fatigue will have either high or normal blood sugar tests initially but then have large drops in blood sugars later in the test. Furthermore, testing insulin blood levels and cortisol stress hormone blood levels are a great way to determine how well your body’s hormonal regulation of metabolism is working. This is a helpful test in that it provides insight into what is happening in your body and what key strategies you need to take to restore your health.

Helpful Supplements:

Glycemic Foundation

Licorice Root Liquid

Bioenergy C

Adrenal Young V

DVD #7  Attitudes and Health Risk

Easy Tests and Effective Answers

Screen Shot 2015-12-31 at 1.36.06 PM Positively Healthy: Attitudes and Healing

Highlights from Hello Healthy Chapter 7

  • Hostility is defined not just by aggressive actions and the emotion of anger, but also by the attitude of cynicism and distrust.
  • Improving our diet is a powerful and effective way to improve our attitudes and our overall emotional health.
  • Attitudes alter how our genes function and therefore greatly affect our potential for healing.
  • Attitude is a choice. Despite our temperament, we can choose how to respond to various situations.
  • What goes on in the mind has a huge impact on our body.
  • Emotional isolation is one of the most powerful predictors of poor health and decreased lifespan.
  • The opposite of hostility is forgiveness. As we experience receiving and giving forgiveness, hostility melts away.
  • A forgiving spirit can change your life.
  • We have all done things in our past that have hurt or damaged someone else. Why not ask for forgiveness?
  • If someone has hurt or damaged us, why not forgive them? Forgiveness doesn’t remove the guilt of the offender. More important, it removes the ongoing trauma that unresolved hostility brings to our own body, mind and soul.
  • The “Zone of Rumination” describes the seething feelings of frustration and resentment so many of us carry around with us as we continue to mull over some hurtful situation or individual from the past.
  • What can we do in the next twenty-four hours to bring resolution and closure to conflicts from our past?

Screen Shot 2015-12-31 at 10.36.48 AMPreventing & Reversing


Diabetes Undone

Do you have Diabetes or Prediabetes?

Log onto diabetesundone.com and learn from 40 short videos with Dr. Wes Youngberg, and special guest Brenda Davis, world-renowned plant-based dietitian, as they guide you through a hope-filled journey to undo your disease and reclaim your health.

For a limited time, you can save $50 and get the full Diabetes Undone Kit for only $99. At no extra fee you get the 275 page Diabetes Edition “from Plant to Plate” cookbook, and you also get the full Diabetes Undone Workbook. All of this for $99. Get your own self help program that walks you through the 9 steps to undoing the causes of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

Diabetes Undone is a program available on-line for individuals, or you can join a group doing this in your area. You can even become the coordinator of your own group! There are many churches, clinics, hospitals and even support groups starting the Diabetes Undone program every month. Check out the places with currently active groups. Here are the organizations planning future groups.

Learn how to address the root cause of disease by harnessing the power of simple lifestyle strategies such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, comprehensive testing and much more.

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